STOTT PILATES Newsletter October 2008

Bring a New Intensity to Your Routine This November

STOTT PILATES is a Senior Partner of IDEA,
The Health and Fitness Source


If you have been waiting for the perfect time to buy Pilates equipment – Now is the time!

This November, take advantage of the U.S. Tax Write-Off when you buy STOTT PILATES® equipment and put it into service this year! Plus, don’t pay until 2009!† Get details

Just in time for holiday shopping

Celebrate STOTT PILATES’ 20th Anniversary with a 20% OFF sale this month!** Shop Now

Dear Friends,Lindsay & Moira

In many parts of the world, “giving thanks” is a prime sentiment during the holiday season. There is no better time to reflect on our achievements and show appreciation to our family and friends. Having our health is also a reminder of everything we should be thankful for.

STOTT PILATES has always made health and wellness a priority. Whether your goal is to establish group exercise programs, boost your personal training business to new heights, set up a fully-equipped studio, train to become a STOTT PILATES Certified Instructor, or enhance your career – we will continue to go the distance to help you succeed! On behalf of the entire STOTT PILATES team, we would like to thank you for your ongoing dedication and support and we look forward to what the future brings.

Yours in good health,

Lindsay & Moira Merrithew
Co-founders, STOTT PILATES®

In the News

How to Strengthen Your Golf Game

Having the perfect swing takes more than just practice. Enrolling in a golf clinic may be a start, but to play like the pros you’ll need added coordination, balance, power and mental focus – so why not try Pilates? This ever-popular method of exercise helps to increase range of movement and hip stability resulting in longer drives and maybe even a lower score card. Learn more

Pilates for Moms and Moms-to-be

Every pregnancy is different, but one thing is for sure – Pilates helps increase body awareness while stabilizing and strengthening the joints during the nine months before and even after your delivery. Find out why STOTT PILATES co-founder Moira Merrithew highly recommends contemporary mind-body exercise for pre- and post-natal women.

Be a Mind-Body Athlete

The secret is out, professional athletes – golfers, hockey players, pitchers and many others – are adding Pilates to their training regimens to stay on top of their game. A panel of fitness experts including STOTT PILATES President and CEO, Lindsay G. Merrithew, explain why Pilates for athletic conditioning is a method of exercise that can’t be beat! Get the scoop

Bits n’ Bites:

  • Giving the gift of fitness this holiday season? Click here for handy shipping information to ensure your orders arrive before December 25.

  • Two New Rehab Courses in Toronto, this Winter! Enhance your career with the STOTT PILATES Rehabilitation Program
    Enroll today!

Share Your Success Stories

On the Road with Pilates

Matwork based Pilates can be an ideal way of maintaining your fitness routine when travelling. After all, it can be done in the comfort of your hotel room and doesn’t require a lot of bulky gear that will take up valuable space in your luggage.

How do you fit Pilates into your life when you’re away from the comforts of home?
We would like to hear from you, let us know by emailing

Business Tips You Told Us…

Learn four tips for business success from STOTT PILATES Instructor Trainer Lisa Palmer. What’s your secret to success?

Let us know by emailing

Pilates is the fitness activity for all ages and stages! Learn how Pilates is helping Missy cope with multiple sclerosis, Scotti improve her dance technique, and Joanna manage her weight.

New Products

51 New DVD Releases Now Available!

Enhance your Pilates repertoire and skills as a fitness professional with our latest cutting-edge DVDs. This month, we’re rounding off our collection with three new exciting titles. We have all-new sport-conditioning, rehab, and lifestage-specific repertoire to add variety to your classes and increase your client base in no time!

Prenatal Workout
on the Pilates Edge™

Difficulty 1

Pilates with Props,
Maximum Resistance, Vol.2

Difficulty 2

Cardio & Core
on the Mini-Tramp™

Difficulty 3

Job Opportunities

Visit our online Job Board for a list of Pilates instructor positions worldwide.

Facilities looking for STOTT PILATES instructors may fill out a
Job Board submission form

Toronto Head Office Careers
If you’re passionate about Pilates and you’re looking for a rewarding, fun and fast-paced career, check out available positions.

Education — Where to Train

For more information on STOTT PILATES courses and workshops, please contact our Education Department or call 800-910-0001 ext. 261. STOTT PILATES training and certification courses and workshops are available at Licensed Training Centers and various Hosting Sites throughout the world. Click for details and a center near you.

What’s New at Our Corporate Training Centers?


Join us for the 2nd Annual Seven Days of CECs in Toronto
on December 10-16! Learn more

Check out our website for a complete listing of upcoming courses, workshops, and exam dates in Toronto. 


Take part in the 1st Annual Seven Days of CECs at Tribeca
on December 13-19! Enroll today

Check out our website for a complete listing of upcoming courses, workshops, and exam dates in New York. 


Advanced Reformer on December 12-14 is filling up quickly! Call now to sign up and earn CECs! Reserve your space now

Check out our website for a complete listing of upcoming courses, workshops, and exam dates in Denver. 


Licensed Training Centers & Hosting Sites

Click here
for locations closest to you and links to more info, including times and dates.

Trade Shows

Amplify Your Marketability with STOTT PILATES at ECA Thrive, Miami

Maximize your earning potential and increase client retention by adding fresh new programming options by STOTT PILATES. We will feature two exciting Pre-Cons at the show; Introduction to Athletic Conditioning on the V2 Max Plus™ Reformer and Essential & Intermediate Pilates on the Edge.

Click for details

Visit our booth and fill out a ballot for your chance to WIN a V2 Max Plus™ Reformer*. Complete contest rules and regulations.

View a demo clip of this revolutionary Tower Reformer.

Save 25% on demo STOTT PILATES equipment just by visiting our booth at the show, or pre-order to avoid disappointment!

For more STOTT PILATES events, click here.


Exercise of the Month


targets lumbo-pelvic region, abdominals, glutes, upper back extensors and hamstrings



Remember to start your workout with a warm-up

Read these important cautions. For a detailed description of warm up exercises visit



Begin lying prone with pelvis and spine in neutral. Keep your legs extended along the Mat, hip-distance apart and slightly laterally rotated. Extend your arms overhead, shoulder-distance apart along the Mat, ensuring that palms are down and scapulae are stabilized.



To prepare


Maintaining a neutral lumbar and pelvis, extend your upper spine and hips. Reach arms and legs off the Mat. Then…


For 5 counts, reach one arm and the opposite leg higher while lowering the other arm and leg. Switch every count.


For 5 counts, continue the reciprocal swimming action.

Complete 3-5 sets.

To Finish...


Lengthen your arms and legs to halt motion.


Lower your upper body, arms and legs down to the Mat.

Find a balance point on top of the Arc Barrel and perform full swimming exercise. challenges stability and balance

This exercise is excerpted from the Comprehensive Matwork Manual.

Find more exercises in the STOTT PILATES teaching manual library comprised of 10 titles that document the entire STOTT PILATES exercise repertoire. Three titles are also available in Japanese, French, Spanish.

CAUTION: Please note the following important cautions before attempting STOTT PILATES exercises.

Consult with your doctor before beginning this or any other exercise program, as not all exercises are suitable for everyone. This or any other exercise program may result in injury.

If you experience pain or discomfort during exercise, stop immediately and consult your doctor. To reduce risk of injury, never force or strain during exercise.

STOTT PILATES videos and manuals are sold without warranties or guarantees of any kind so the creators, producers, performers, participants and distributors cannot guarantee their suitability and safety for each individual.

Any liability, loss or damage in conjunction with any use of this program, including but not limited to any liability, loss or damage resulting from the performance of the exercises demonstrated, or the advice and information given here is expressly disclaimed.

Past Newsletters

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to view previous issues of the STOTT PILATES Newsletter.

If you wish to be removed from our mailing list, please click here.

Privacy Statement:
At STOTT PILATES, we are committed to protecting your privacy. We use information we collect to process orders and inform you of STOTT PILATES products and services. We will occasionally make our customer lists available to official STOTT PILATES Education Partners. If you would prefer that we not pass your name on, please click here

Visit the STOTT PILATES Main Website

™/®Trademark or registered trademark of Merrithew Corporation, used under license.
*US Patent Pending and other countries. All material copyright Merrithew Corporation, 2008.
All rights reserved. This material may not be copied or used in any form without express
permission from Merrithew Corporation.