Submit your Job Postings

Items in red are required.

headline :


location city :
location state/province :
location country :
name of facility :
description of facility :
pilates studio gym
private club other (use text box.)

Job Info

terms of employment :
Fulltime Parttime
Contract Permanent
Other (use text box.)
required qualifications :
STOTT PILATES® Certified Instructor STOTT PILATES® Apprentice or Trainee
specific equipment training required :
Matwork™ Reformer
Cadillac Stability Chair
Barrels ISP
Full Rehab
years of experience :
other required qualifications :
job description (max 150 words) :
closing date for application (dd-mm-yyyy) :
- -
additional comments & information :


contact name :
street address :
phone :
fax :
email :
website url :
verification code : 5067
enter verification code here :

Verification is used to prevent unwanted email spam.