
education & certification gain knowledge, skill and confidence to develop effective programs
STOTT is recognized by the American Council on Exercise, Can-Fit-Pro, the College of Massage Therapy of Ontario as a continuing education provider.
We are pleased to announce the STOTT Continuing Education Credit (CEC) Program.
Beginning January 1, 2002, all STOTT Certified Instructors will be required to obtain 6 hours (0.6 credits) of STOTT Continuing Education Credits per year to maintain their certification.
The list of questions and answers below explains the program in more detail.
1. Why is STOTT starting this program?
The STOTT PILATES CEC Program was developed to provide STOTT Certified Instructors with continuous learning opportunities and to reinforce the STOTT reputation for excellence in education. The STOTT CEC Program is designed to help you stay current with the latest advancements in STOTT PILATES and exercise science while reinforcing your reputation as a highly qualified and reputable instructor.
2. How do I complete my CECs?
You can complete your CECs through any combination of the following, for a total of 0.6 Continuing Education Credits (6 hours) per year:
-- Attend a STOTT workshop or presentation at a tradeshow or facility near you
-- Schedule a "Customized Repertoire Review" with a STOTT Instructor Trainer
-- Schedule a "Private Evaluation" with a STOTT Certified Instructor Trainer
-- Take an anatomy course or related workshop (must be approved by STOTT)
-- Study one of STOTT's videos and submit a video of yourself teaching its contents to a client for evaluation
3. How much will maintaining my STOTT certification cost me?
The cost to you depends on which of the above CEC options you choose. For example, if you choose to attend a STOTT workshop at a STOTT Certification Center, it will cost you the price of the workshop. If you choose to study a STOTT video, it will cost you the price of the video, a blank cassette and postage.
4. What is a "Customized Repertoire Review" with a STOTT Instructor Trainer?
A Customized Repertoire Review involves booking a one-to-two-hour private session with a STOTT Certified Instructor Trainer at any STOTT Certification Center in order to review the basic principles, relevant modifications and/or any STOTT PILATES exercise updates. A maximum of 0.2 credits will be allocated for the Customized Repertoire Review.
5. What is a "Private Evaluation"?
A Private Evaluation requires that you take a STOTT Certified Instructor Trainer through a one-to-two-hour workout, so that she/he can evaluate your teaching abilities and provide you with feedback. A maximum of 0.2 credits will be allocated for the Private Evaluation Session. The Instructor Trainer completes a STOTT evaluation form and you are responsible for submitting the completed form to STOTT for credit.
6. How many credits will I get for the workshops?
This depends on the length of the workshop. As a rule, a 2-hour workshop equates to 0.2 credits; 4 hours equates to 0.4 credits, and 6 hours equates to 0.6 credits the number required to maintain your certification. We will track your CEC status in our database, but we also suggest you keep your own records.
7. Will my STOTT certification courses count towards my CECs?
STOTT Certification courses, such as Intensive Mat-Plus and Intensive Reformer, are meant to train students in the core STOTT PILATES method. Once you have successfully completed a STOTT certification course and exams, you have at least one year to accumulate 0.6 CECs to maintain your certification. You may fulfill this requirement by completing any of the options outlined in question #2.
8. How soon after I receive my certification will I have to earn my annual CECs?
After completing a course, you have 6 months within which to take your certification exam(s). While some students choose to take their exam(s) right away, others wait the full 6 months. You will then be required to obtain your 0.6 continuing education credits within the next full calendar year, beginning with the January immediately following your certification.
For example, if you complete your exam(s) in November 2001, your CEC period will begin January 1, 2002 and end December 31, 2002. Every student will therefore have at least one full year to obtain his or her credits.
9. How do I get credits for the STOTT workshops I take?
If you take a STOTT workshop at the International Certification Center or at a licensed facility, your credits are issued automatically upon completion. STOTT will send you a completion letter with the proper continuing education credits. If you attend a STOTT workshop or presentation at a tradeshow, you are responsible for sending in the documentation that the tradeshow provides you with.
10. Does the course or workshop have to be a STOTT workshop?
With the exception of approved anatomy workshops (maximum 0.2 credits) and successfully petitioned workshops or courses (see question #11 for details), all CECs must be fulfilled by attending STOTT-approved workshops. This is to ensure that you build on your original STOTT training and remain up-to-date with any enhancements.
11. How do I get a non-STOTT workshop approved for STOTT CECs?
If a course or workshop you have attended has not been previously approved for STOTT CECs, you may petition for CEC approval. Simply send the following to STOTT for consideration.
-- "Petition Application" (attached) and administration fee
-- Course description/outline
-- List of course objectives
-- Proof of attendance
STOTT cannot guarantee that CECs will be issued for courses/workshops that have not received prior approval. Please allow 4-6 weeks from the day we receive your description for STOTT to review/approve your request.
12. Where can I find out about upcoming STOTT workshops?
You can visit the STOTT Education pages on our web site at www.stottpilates.com to get the latest information about workshops in your area. We also send out announcements by e-mail and regular mail. If you are not on our mailing list, please contact STOTT Education.
13. Can I audit a course held at a STOTT Certification Center?
Graduates and students alike are welcome to audit a course at the STOTT Certification Center in Toronto, or at one of our licensed facilities. Auditing a course does not count towards your CECs but is a great way to refresh your memory or to get advice on how to proceed. Simply contact the facility to make the necessary arrangements. When auditing a course, you are required to sit quietly at the perimeter of the studio, without imposing on the Instructor Trainer or clients. You are welcome to ask questions of the Instructor at the end of the session.
Use buttons below to download the CEC Application Petition and/or our sample workout charts in PDF format.
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All material copyright Merrithew Corporation 2001. All rights reserved. This material, including photographs, may not be copied or used in any form without express permission from Merrithew Corporation.