Learn select exercises from the STOTT PILATES Essential Matwork repertoire incorporating the Arc Barrel for support, challenge and variety in this interactive workshop. Discover how the barrel can be incorporated into any Matwork routine for variety and challenge. Learn to support the spine in flexion, lateral flexion or extension, to target core and peripheral muscle groups, and to adapt exercises to specific body types.
Apply STOTT PILATES® principles to exercises on the Arc Barrel. |
Understand movement essence and exercise goals. |
Learn how to use the Arc Barrel for spinal support, torso stabilization, and to add variety and challenge. |
Learn how to use the barrel for any and all clients. |
Workshop |
CECs: |
Essential Pilates on the Edge
Bring a new level of excitement to your workout and teach your classes on the edge! The Pilates Edge will help you ramp up the intensity level by changing the angle of your routine. Applying the Five Basic Principles of STOTT PILATES®, you’ll explore how to modify the Essential level exercises to develop a total body workout. Discover how this versatile tool can be used with supine, prone and standing variations to take advantage of the foam triangle’s increasing height.

Apply STOTT PILATES® principles to exercises on the Pilates Edge. |

Understand movement essence and exercise goals. |

Learn how to use the Pilates Edge for spinal support, torso stabilization,
and to add variety and challenge. |

Learn exercise variations and modifications for specific body types. |

Workshop |

Pilates instructors, personal trainers, group fitness instructors |

2 hours |

Pilates Edge (1:1), Pilates Mat (1:1), Gripper Mat (1:1) |
CECs: |

Intermediate Pilates on the Edge
Take your Intermediate-level Matwork routines to new heights with the Pilates Edge. Learn how to continue adding intensity and challenge to your clients’ workouts by taking advantage of the foam triangle’s increasing height. Alternating positions through prone, supine, sitting and standing, you’ll discover how this innovative tool can drastically expand your programming options and make you a trainer in demand.

Apply STOTT PILATES® principles to exercises on the Pilates Edge. |

Understand how to use the equipment to increase exercise challenge. |

Discuss how the Pilates Edge is used for spinal support, torso stabilization, and to add variety. |

Learn cues and corrections for safety and effectiveness. |

Workshop |

Pilates instructors, personal trainers, group fitness instructors |

2 hours |

Pilates Edge (1:1), Pilates Mat (1:1), Gripper Mat (1:1) |
CECs: |

Essential & Intermediate Pilates on the Edge
Bring a new level of excitement to your workout and teach your classes on the edge! The Pilates Edge will help you ramp up the intensity level by changing the angle of your routine. Applying the Five Basic Principles of STOTT PILATES®, you’ll begin by exploring the Essential-level exercises, then progress to a more challenging Intermediate workout. Discover how this versatile tool can be used in supine, prone and standing variations to take advantage of the foam triangle’s increasing height.

Apply STOTT PILATES® principles to exercises on the Pilates Edge. |

Understand movement essence and exercise goals. |

Learn how to use the Pilates Edge for spinal support, torso stabilization, and to add variety and challenge. |

Learn how to challenge clients' strength and endurance stafely on the Pilates Edge, while maintaining focus on core stability and alignment. |

Discover how to increase exercise intensity and challenge using the increasing angle of the Edge. |

Workshop |

Pilates instructors, personal trainers, group fitness instructors |

4 hours |

Pilates Edge (1:1), Pilates Mat (1:1), Gripper Mat (1:1) |
CECs: |

Essential Reformer
Learn select exercises from the STOTT PILATES Essential Reformer repertoire with emphasis on the goals of the exercises, movement patterns, breath patterns and alignment. The adjustments and safety concerns when working with the Reformer will be explained, as well as the specific benefits of working with this type of equipment. Discover the be including strengthening and lengthening muscles, developing core stability and mind-body connection. In this interactive workshop Cues and corrections for safety and effectiveness are also covered.

Apply the principles of STOTT PILATES® to select Essential Reformer exercises. |

Understand movement essence and exercise goals. |

Understand how to use the Reformer to develop core stability, peripheral strength and neuromuscular control. |

Learn cues and corrections for safety and effectiveness. |

Workshop |
CECs: |

up to 0.4 STOTT PILATES; ACE |
Essential Reformer on the V2 Max Plus Reformer*
Explore how altering the angle of resistance can facilitate and expand the existing Reformer repertoire. Learn a series of Essential-level exercises using the V2 Max PlusTM Reformer*’s adjustable pulley system and extensor straps. Using the height-adjustable pulleys on the unit’s vertical frame, learn how the angle of resistance can be changed to help fire the appropriate muscles and achieve increased range of motion in tri-planar movements. Ideal for instructors from beginner to expert and for clients at any fitness level.

Discover the unique features of the STOTT PILATES® V2 Max Plus Reformer*. |

Explore the many programming options offered by altering the angle of resistance. |

Apply the principles of STOTT PILATES to exercises using the various features of the apparatus. |
Learn effective cueing, correcting and modifications to address all client needs |

Workshop |
CECs: |

up to 0.4 STOTT PILATES; ACE |
Intermediate Reformer on the V2 Max Plus Reformer*
Explore the advantage of variable angles of resistance to facilitate and expand the existing STOTT PILATES Intermediate Reformer repertoire. Designed for those already familiar with performing and teaching these exercises, this interactive workshop will delve into the possibilities afforded by the V2 Max PlusTM Reformer*’s adjustable pulley system and extensor straps. Discover how to challenge core strength and stability while achieving increased range of motion in exercise modifications and new variations designed to develop balance, proprioceptively stimulate the neuromuscular system, and provide support.
Discover the unique features of the STOTT PILATES® V2 Max Plus Reformer*. |
Explore the many programming options offered by altering the angle of resistance. |
Apply the STOTT PILATES principles to intermediate level exercises using the various features of the apparatus. |
Understand movement essence and exercise goals. |
Workshop |
CECs: |
up to 0.4 STOTT PILATES; ACE |
Intensifying Essential Reformer
Prerequisite: STOTT PILATES Essential Reformer Workshop AND previous experience teaching or studying Pilates Reformer exercises
This interactive workshop teaches how to challenge clients with maximum safety and effectiveness by taking STOTT PILATES' Essential Reformer exercises to a higher level of intensity. Learn how adding variety and increasing the pace of the workout will keep clients continually motivated and progressively challenged. By increasing speed and flow of exercise sequences and modifying the existing repertoire to increase muscular and cardiovascular endurance, participants will learn how to inspire more capable clients who may not be ready for the Intermediate Reformer program.

Apply STOTT PILATES® principles to select Essential Reformer exercises. |

Understand how movement essence and exercise goals are achieved while increasing intensity. |

Learn how to challenge clients’ strength and endurance safely on the Reformer, while maintaining focus on core stability and alignment. |

Learn cues and corrections for safety and effectiveness. |

Workshop |
CECs: |

Essential to Intermediate Reformer
Prerequisite: STOTT PILATES Essential Reformer Workshop AND previous experience teaching or studying Pilates Reformer exercises.
When clients are ready for a new challenge, this workshop shows how to progress from the Essential-level Reformer repertoire to more complex and coordinated Intermediate exercises. Hone your observation skills and learn what to look for to determine a client’s readiness to progress. Discover how strength, stability and mobility are recruited with the more demanding repertoire.

Apply STOTT PILATES® principles to select Essential and Intermediate Reformer exercises. |

Understand how to recognize a client's readiness to progress to a higher level. |

Understand how to safely challenge strength, flexibility and neuromuscular coordination. |

Learn cues and corrections for safety and effectiveness. |

Workshop |
CECs: |

Intermediate Reformer
Prerequisite: STOTT PILATES Essential Reformer Workshop AND previous experience teaching or studying Pilates Reformer exercises.
Focus on the Intermediate-level exercises from the STOTT PILATES Reformer repertoire in this interactive workshop. For participants already familiar with the basic Reformer exercises, this workshop reviews the more complex and coordinated Intermediate level skills. The emphasis will be on the goals of the exercises, biomechanics and alignment as well as cues and corrections for safety and effectiveness.

Apply STOTT PILATES® principles to Intermediate Reformer exercises. |

Understand movement essence and exercise goals. |

Understand how the Intermediate level exercises challenge strength, stability and coordination. |

Determine how Intermediate exercises can be added into a client workout. |

Workshop |
CECs: |

Advanced Reformer
Prerequisite: It is highly recommended that participants have extensive experience on the Reformer for this workshop.
This interactive workshop will introduce participants to the highest level of Reformer repertoire. Advanced STOTT PILATES® exercises are demonstrated, explained and thoroughly broken down to explore how elements of strength, flexibility, balance, control and endurance are challenged to the highest degree. Learn how to use the distinctive nature of the Reformer to escalate workload by altering base of support and body position rather than increasing resistance. Many exercises performed continue the progression from the Essential and Intermediate levels, while others will offer unique movement patterns. A major focus will be on how to teach and perform the exercises safely and recognizing when clients may be ready to proceed to this level of intensity.

Apply STOTT PILATES® Five Basic Principles to select Advanced Reformer exercises. |

Understand movement essence and exercise goals of each. |

Learn how to challenge clients’ strength and endurance safely on the Reformer, while maintaining focus on core stability and alignment. |

Workshop |

Pilates instructors, personal trainers |

2 hours |

Reformer (1:3), Reformer Box (1 per Reformer), Maple Poles (1 per Reformer), Platform Extender (1 per Reformer), Foam Cushion 'C' (1 per Reformer, optional) |
CECs: |

Jumpboard Interval Training, Level 1
Learn to challenge and motivate your clients and classes using innovative and simple jumpboard combinations, separated with intervals of upper and lower body strength and flexibility exercises on the Reformer. This ultimate cardio / strength interval class, challenges your clients core, and total body strength, elevates your heart rate, while focusing on proper jumping technique. This new format keeps your clients and classes on the move.
Apply the principles of STOTT PILATES® to Jumpboard & select Reformer exercises. |
Challenge client's cardiovascular system & build endurance. |
Challenge abdominal stability & strengthen lower body through plyometrics. |
Learn exercise variations and modifications for specific body types. |
Workshop |
CECs: |
up to 0.2 STOTT PILATES; ACE |
Jumpboard Interval Training, Level 2
Give your clients and classes something to jump about with this pumped up workout on the Reformer. Increase intensity and challenge coordination and cardiovascular fitness using more complex jumpboard intervals while ensuring safety and proper technique. Incorporate strengthening exercises for upper and lower body as well as the all-important core. Designed for intermediate to advanced level clients or groups, this plyometric workout will deliver all-over fitness while easily motivating and maintaining interest.
Apply the STOTT PILATES® principles to more advanced exercises on the Jumpboard & Reformer. |
Build on plyometic intervals while maintaining proper form. |
Develop increased core stability through targeted strengthening exercises |
Learn exercise variations and modifications for specific body types. |
Workshop |
CECs: |
Jumpboard Interval Training, Level 1, on the Cardio Tramp™
Learn to challenge and motivate your clients and classes using innovative and simple jumpboard combinations, separated with intervals of upper and lower body strength and flexibility exercises on the Cardio Tramp™ on the Reformer. This ultimate cardio / strength interval class, challenges your clients core, and total body strength, elevates your heart rate, while focusing on proper jumping technique. This new format keeps your clients and classes on the move.

Apply the principles of STOTT PILATES® to Jumpboard & select Reformer exercises. |

Challenge client's cardiovascular system & build endurance. |

Challenge abdominal stability & strengthen lower body through plyometrics. |

Learn exercise variations and modifications for specific body types. |

Workshop |
CECs: |

up to 0.2 STOTT PILATES; ACE |

Jumpboard Interval Training, Level 2, on the Cardio Tramp™
Give your clients and classes something to jump about with this pumped up workout on the new Cardio Tramp on the Reformer. Increase intensity and challenge coordination and cardiovascular fitness using more complex jumping intervals while ensuring safety and proper technique. Incorporate strengthening exercises for upper and lower body as well as the all-important core. Designed for intermediate to advanced level clients or groups, this plyometric workout will deliver all-over fitness while easily motivating and maintaining interest.
Note: this session covers the same material as Jumpboard Interval Training, Level 2, however, it is being presented on the exciting new Cardio Tramp.

Jumpboard Strength and Endurance
This workout highlights the Jumpboard's versatile ability to place a major emphasis on programming to improve the strength of hip, knee and ankle joints in both supine and standing positions. Increased spring resistance is used to emphasize strengthening of the arms and shoulder girdle in upper body work and the legs in lower body work. The Jumpboard is used as a stable base or platform to focus on proper biomechanics of the entire lower kinetic chain, allowing the hip joint to be in a more anatomically neutral alignment when transferring forces from the soles of the feet up through the body. It also serves as a firm support when doing standing leg and torso work. Individual components of this workshop are ideal as a warm up before any sports activity, or as complete standalone workout. The biomechanics of plyometic activity will be discussed based on the concepts discussed previously.

Apply the principles of STOTT PILATES® method to exercises on the Jumpboard.

Understand movement essence and exercise goals as applied to athletic conditioning.

Discover how simple moves and increased tension can address specific strengthening goals.

Learn how to alter starting positions to increase core strength and stability.


Pilates instructors, personal trainers, group fitness instructors

2 hours

Reformer (1:1), Jumpboard (1 per Reformer)

Head mic & sound system


Programming 1 on the V2 Max Plus Reformer*
Uncover the secret and explore the unique features of the STOTT PILATES® V2 Max Plus Reformer, an all-in-one equipment system that expands programming for group classes and private training. Learn how to transform the machine to explore selected Essential-level exercises on the Mat, Reformer and Cadillac. Discover how to cue, correct and modify for individuals and groups to make the most of each workout. This workshop is guaranteed to keep you and your clients challenged, motivated and coming back for more.

Discover the many programming options offered by the V2 Max Plus Reformer* |

Apply the principles of STOTT PILATES® to exercises using the various features of the apparatus. |

Understand movement essence and exercise goals. |

Learn effective cueing, correcting and modifications to address all client needs. |

Workshop |
CECs: |

up to 0.3 STOTT PILATES; ACE |
Programming 2 on the V2 Max Plus Reformer*
Continue to expand exercise options and programming possibilities with the second in the V2 Max Plus Reformer workshop series. Exploring the unique features of this unparalleled piece of equipment, discover how the Reformer, Vertical Frame and second set of pulleys, which are vertically adjustable, can be maximized to develop motivating and captivating workout sessions. Observe how familiar exercises can be updated by accessing some of the Reformer’s special properties and learn how these can be incorporated into any routine, from beginner to advanced.

Discover many new programming options using the V2 Max Plus Reformer. |

Apply the principles of STOTT PILATES to exercises using the various features of the apparatus. |

Understand movement essence and exercise goals. |

Learn effective cueing, correcting and modifications to address all client needs. |

Workshop |

Pilates instructors, personal trainers, group fitness instructors |

2 or 3 hours |

V2 Max Plus Reformer (1:3), Mat Converter (1 per reformer), Platform Extender (1 per reformer), Reformer Box (1 per reformer), Double Loop Straps (1 pair per Reformer, optional), Foam Cushion ‘B’ (1 per reformer) |
CECs: |

up to 0.3 STOTT PILATES; ACE |
Full Programming on the V2 Max Plus Reformer*
Get a first look and comprehensive overview of STOTT PILATES’ latest creation, the new V2 Max Plus Reformer. This all-in-one system facilitates hundreds of exercises adding fun, challenge and variety to Pilates workouts. The session comprises countless Essential through Advanced-level exercise combinations using the multiple V2 Max Plus Reformer components. Learn how to work on Matwork and Cadillac exercises using the Mat Converter, then move on to Reformer and Vertical Frame-based repertoire ideas. Receive effective tips and tricks for cueing, modifying and correcting clients in group classes or private sessions. Ideal for seasoned Pilates instructors or those who want to learn more about this popular mind-body fitness phenomenon.

Discover the many programming options offered by the V2 Max Plus Reformer. |

Apply the principles of STOTT PILATES® to exercises using the various features of the apparatus. |

Understand movement essence and exercise goals. |

Learn effective cueing, correcting and modification to address all client needs. |

Workshop |
CECs: |

up to 0.6 STOTT PILATES; ACE |
Intro to the Vertical Frame
Be introduced to the Vertical Frame in this captivating interactive workshop. Learn how to use the Vertical Frame on any model of STOTT PILATES Reformer, to replicate a selection of Essential level exercises traditionally performed on the Cadillac. Explore how the Roll-Down Bar, Push-Thru Bar, Arm and Leg Springs can add variety while targeting individual muscle groups and patterns. Discover how a wide range of exercises can be programmed into a full Vertical Frame workout or used as a complement to any Reformer or Matwork routine.
Apply the STOTT PILATES principles of stabilization to Vertical Frame Exercises. |
Explore how various parts of the apparatus can be used to target specific areas. |
Discuss positioning and technique of each movement. |
Discover programming options using the features of the Vertical Frame. |
Workshop |
CECs: |
Vertical Frame Workshop
Learn how to replicate the majority of Essential-level exercises normally performed on the Cadillac using the Vertical Frame on any model of STOTT PILATES Reformer. Explore how the Roll-Down Bar, Push-Thru Bar, Arm and Leg Springs can add variety while targeting individual muscle groups and firing patterns. Discover how a wide range of exercises can be programmed into a full Vertical Frame workout or used as a complement to any Reformer or Matwork routine.
Apply the STOTT PILATES principles of stabilization to Vertical Frame Exercises. |
Explore how various parts of the apparatus can be used to target specific areas. |
Discuss positioning and technique of each movement. |
Discover programming options using the features of the Vertical Frame. |
Workshop |
CECs: |
Essential Cadillac
No full-service Pilates studio is complete without a Cadillac Trapeze Table. In this interactive workshop, learn a variety of exercises performed on this multi-functional apparatus. Become better acquainted with the potential of this highly versatile piece of equipment as a tool to create complete Cadillac workouts or as a complement Matwork or Reformer routines. Observe and experience a selection of exercises that highlight the Cadillac’s capabilities, and utilizes all its features including the Roll-Down Bar, Push-Thru Bar, Trapeze, Leg and Arm Springs. Emphasis will be on the goals of the exercises, biomechanics and alignment as well as cueing and correcting for safety and effectiveness.
Apply STOTT PILATES® principles to select Cadillac Trapeze Table exercises. |
Understand movement essence and exercise goals. |
Learn cues and corrections for safety and effectiveness. |
Gain familiarity with the features, safety guidelines, versatility and potential of the cadillac. |
Workshop |
CECs: |
up to 0.4 STOTT PILATES; ACE |
Essential Stability Chair
Few individual pieces of equipment offer the programmability of the highly versatile STOTT PILATES Split-Pedal Stability Chair. The capabilities of the Chair will be highlighted, and all its features will be utilized - including the handles and the split pedal function - in the context of a well-rounded Essential level workout. Learn functional exercises working against spring resistance in a variety of positions, including standing, sitting, prone and side-lying. Discover how many exercises can be modified to take advantage of the impressive split-pedal feature.
Apply STOTT PILATES® principles to Essential level Stability Chair exercises. |
Understand movement essence and exercise goals. |
Learn how to improve core stability and increase peripheral strength safely using the Stability Chair. |
Learn cues and corrections for safety and effectiveness. |
Workshop |
CECs: |
up to 0.4 STOTT PILATES; ACE |
Intermediate Stability Chair
Prerequisite: STOTT PILATES Essential Stability Chair Workshop AND previous experience teaching or studying Pilates chair exercises.
When you are ready to move to a higher level of performance and intensity on the STOTT PILATES Stability Chair, this interactive workshop focuses on the Intermediate exercise repertoire. For participants already familiar with the basic Chair exercises, expand programming options with more complex and coordinated skills. Emphasis will be on the goals of the exercises, biomechanics and alignment while offering cues and corrections for safety and effectiveness.
Apply STOTT PILATES® principles to Intermediate Stability Chair exercises. |
Understand movement essence and exercise goals. |
Understand how the Intermediate level exercises challenge strength, stability and coordination. |
Learn cues and corrections for safety and effectiveness. |
Workshop |
Pilates instructors, personal trainers, group fitness instructors |
2 hours |
Split-Pedal Stability Chair (1:3), Pilates Mat (1:1), Platform Extender (1 per Chair), Foam Cushion 'C' (1 per Chair, optional) |
CECs: |
Introduction to Split-Pedal Stability Chair
The STOTT PILATES Split-Pedal Stability Chair offers personal trainers and group fitness instructors expanded programming options. Discover the capabilities of the Chair and all its features including the handles and explore how the split-pedal option transforms traditional exercises by challenging bilateral, unilateral and reciprocal strength and stability. Explore exceptionally functional exercises working against spring resistance to train core stability in a variety of positions, including standing, sitting, as well as lying prone and supine.

Apply STOTT PILATES principles to select Stability Chair exercises. |

Understand how the split-pedal function alters stability and coordination requirements. |

Learn how to improve core stability and increase peripheral strength safely using the Stability Chair. |

Learn cues and corrections for safety and effectiveness. |

Workshop |
CECs: |

up to 0.4 STOTT PILATES; ACE |
Group Stability Chair
Fitness trainers and program directors are recognizing the benefit of group programming featuring Pilates equipment. How does a group Stability Chair workout differ from a one-on-one session? See first-hand the types of exercises included in a group chair class and observe how exercises can be modified for all class participants. Explore how the versatility of the STOTT PILATES Split-Pedal Stability Chair can dramatically increase programming options for every level of participant and address any type of special need. Discover how to keep a group class challenging and fun while still emphasizing positioning and execution.

Apply STOTT PILATES® principles to select Stability Chair exercises. |

Understand how to modify exercises in a group situation. |

Learn to improve core stability and increase peripheral strength safely using the Stability Chair. |

Learn cues and corrections specific to a group training setting. |

Workshop |

Pilates instructors, personal trainers, group fitness instructors |

2 hours |

Split-Pedal Stability Chair (1:3), Pilates Mat (1:1), Reformer Box (1 per Chair), Platform Extender (1 per Chair, optional), Foam Cushion 'C' (1 per Chair, optional) |
CECs: |

Circuit Training
Featuring: Arc Barrel / Reformer /Cadillac / Chair
Circuit Training is an increasingly popular option in the Pilates realm. Using the Arc Barrel, Reformer, Cadillac and Stability Chair, learn how to incorporate select exercises from each repertoire to create an exciting and motivating session. Learn how to layer the exercises to deliver a well-rounded circuit program and discover a variety of options in managing a group circuit training class. The specific benefits of each piece of equipment will be examined and exercise modifications will be discussed to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Apply STOTT PILATES® principles to exercises on a variety of equipment. |

Understand how to use the various pieces of equipment to add variety, challenge,
support and resistance. |

Learn a well-rounded circuit program using various pieces of equipment. |

Understand how to modify exercises for individual client needs. |

Workshop |

Pilates instructors, personal trainers, group fitness instructors |

4 hour format |

Pilates Mat (1:1), Arc Barrel (1:2), Reformer (1:2), Reformer Boxes (1 per Reformer), Stability Chair (1:3) Cadillac (1:6), Platform Extender (1 per Reformer), Foam Cushion 'C' (1 per Reformer/Cadillac/Chair) |
CECs: |

Pilates off the Wall OR Spring Wall Workshop
Discover the many programming options available with the STOTT PILATES® Spring Wall, the perfect addition to a small space. Explore how the Roll-Down Bar, Arm and Leg Springs attached to any of the 12 spring hook positions can add variety while targeting individual muscle groups and creating simple to more complex movement patterns. Discover how a wide range of exercises can be programmed into a full Spring Wall workout or use as a complement to any Matwork routine.
Apply STOTT PILATES® principles of stabilization to Spring Wall exercises. |
Explore how various spring heights can be used to target specific muscle groups. |
Discuss positioning and technique of each movement. |
Discover programming options using the freatures of the Spring Wall. |
Workshop |
CECs: |