Upcoming Training Courses
Space is limited! To register or for costs and additional information regarding these courses, please call Pilar Bellmunt, phone: +34 93 8355950 ext. 22, fax: +34 93 8355954, email: formacio@aerobicyfitness.com
Send your application to AEROBIC & FITNESS, ASOCIACIÖN, Narcis Monturiol, s/n, Pol. Ind. Salelles, II-, 08253 Sant Salvador de Guardiola, Barcelona
Designed for Pilates Instructors and fitness professionals, all introductory and continuing education workshops qualify for STOTT PILATES CECs and many are eligible for credits elsewhere. Lengths vary from 90 minutes to six hours.
contact: Pilar Belmunt
phone: +34 93-835-59-50 Ext. 22
fax: +34 93-835-59-54
email: formacio@aerobicyfitness.com
visit Aerobic & Fitness at www.aerobicyfitness.com
Mailing address:
Pol. Ind. Salelles, II
Narcís Monturiol, s/n
08253 Sant Salvador de Guardiola Barcelona
Instructor Trainer
XISCA LLABRÉS has extensive training in different types of dance, Classical Ballet, Modern, and Contemporary Jass, national and international schools. She has conducted several courses on topics such as exercises Tecnica de Base, Microgimnasia, S.G:A, Muscular chains, RPG:, Pilates, Gyrotonic & Gyrokinesis. BOSU Master Trainer and STOTT PILATES Instructor Trainer. She has presented some conferences and events in Spain.
BEATRIZ WYZER graduated in Dance for the University of Stockholm. She also studied dance, choreography and fitness in New York and Stockholm. Teacher-training instructors in various dance and fitness centers. Has over 15 years working with different materials using Stretching (Fitball, Soft-gym, Flex-band, Step, etc...). Also Feldenkreis studies and other techniques of Body and Mind. Instructor Trainer for STOTT PILATES.
RUTH FERNANDEZ is a graduate of Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport by INEF of Madrid and also a STOTT PILATES Instrucotr Trainer. She has received specific training in Feldenkrais and Osteopathy techniques. She has worked as a monitor of Dance-Jazz, and Fitness and she is currently a Pilates instructor and Technical Director of her own Pilates studio.
MA. ANGELES IGLESIAS Formacion en por la UNED y especialista en la aportacion de la psicologia al rendimiento deportivo. Directora Tecnica duarante mas de 8 anos en centros deportivos de primer nivel en Espana. Full instructor Trainer de STOTT PILATES de formacio intensiva y rehabilitacion, donde es una reconocida docente a nivel internacional. Especialista en desarrollo de programas de metodologia especifica para dinamica de grupos, adaptando el entrenamiento personal hacia actividades grupales
Getting There Contact Aerobic & Fitness for details