
Why is Pilates on Fifth no longer a STOTT PILATES Licensed Training Center?


In early 2006, our agreement with Pilates on Fifth of New York City (also known as Pilates Center of New York and Pilates Academy International) came to an end.

As a result, Pilates on Fifth is no longer a STOTT PILATES Licensed Training/Certification Center. This means Pilates on Fifth is no longer authorized to offer any STOTT PILATES training, certification programs, continuing education courses,workshops or examinations (written and practical).

Workshops and courses offered by Pilates on Fifth, or any organization owned by or associated with Pilates on Fifth, will not qualify for STOTT PILATES certification status or continuing education credits (CECs).


I received notification from Pilates on Fifth  that says I can “cross over” from my STOTT PILATES certification to their new program.  Should I do this?


You have already invested a lot of time and money into your pilates education and presumably you chose to align with STOTT PILATES because of our organization's long heritage and our program's superior reputation. We encourage you to stay with STOTT PILATES and continue your training or work toward maintaining your certification through our established and highly regarded training, certification and continuing education programs.

It has been our honor to contribute to your pilates education thus far and we look forward to the opportunity to continue to demonstrate the value of our training to you and your colleagues for many years to come. Please click here to review the many benefits associated with being part of the STOTT PILATES educational organization.


Pilates on Fifth, through their newly created Pilates Academy International,
is purporting to been on track to obtain third party accreditation for its certification. Is this true, and where does STOTT PILATES stand on this issue?


Although it claims to be pursuing third party accreditation of its newly created certification program, to date the Pilates Academy International certification exam has not been accredited by an independent, experienced and nationally recognized accrediting body. Additionally, the necessity and appropriateness of accrediting pilates certification has yet to be determined.

To read more about STOTT PILATES’ position on third party accreditation click here.


Why should I continue my STOTT PILATES certification process
instead of “crossing over” to the PAI program?  


STOTT PILATES has trained more than 10,000 instructors worldwide and established an unparalleled standard for pilates education and certification. With close to 20 years in the industry, its internationally respected program requires the successful completion of rigorous practical and written examinations to qualify for certification. Plus, STOTT PILATES Certified Instructors receive the following exclusive benefit package:

Ongoing association with the world’s largest and most respected professional pilates educator, brand and network of certified instructors

Client referrals and a listing on our web-based Instructor Finder. is promoted worldwide, attracting more than one million unique visitors every year.

Instructor trainer consultation services

Access to high caliber, branded marketing support materials

Use of the internationally recognized STOTT PILATES® registered trademark and tagline: Intelligent Exercise. Profound Results.®

Professional discounts on STOTT PILATES equipment

Access to certification courses and continuing education workshops at our International Certification Center, 44 authorized Licensed Training Centers, as well as multiple hosting centers and trade shows worldwide

The right to refer to themselves as STOTT PILATES® Certified Instructors

Monthly email newsletter with updates on industry and company news


I completed training at Pilates on Fifth. 
Is my STOTT PILATES training still valid?


Yes.  The STOTT PILATES training and certification you have acquired to date will continue to be recognized by our organization and within the industry at large. As usual, to maintain your STOTT PILATES certification, you are required to complete .6 CECs annually. Click here for more information about our CEC program.


I completed my STOTT PILATES training at Pilates on Fifth  and haven’t
taken my exam yet.  Where can I go to take the certification exam? 


Please contact the STOTT PILATES International Certification Center at 1-800-910-0001 ext. 261 or email We are happy to help guide you in this process.


Will workshops and courses I take at Pilates on Fifth  count toward
STOTT PILATES continuing education credits or certification? 


Effective immediately, workshops and courses offered by Pilates on Fifth  or any organization owned by or associated with Pilates on Fifth  will no longer qualify for STOTT PILATES certification status or continuing education credits.


Where can I go to obtain STOTT PILATES training, certification and continuing education credits if I live in New York City or surrounding areas? 


STOTT PILATES training and certification courses and workshops are available to you via dozens of our authorized STOTT PILATES Licensed Training and Hosting Centers worldwide, as well as through our International Certification Center in Toronto. For a list of our authorized Centers, visit

In addition, to help serve you better, we are in the process of establishing a STOTT PILATES Licensed Training Center in New York City. We will publicize this new location on our web site as soon as it is established.


One of my students or clients has asked me about STOTT PILATES
classes or training at Pilates on Fifth.  What should I tell them? 


If any of our customers or instructors inquire about the status of Pilates on Fifth , please advise them they are no longer a STOTT PILATES Licensed Training Center and let them know that our Education department would be happy to help them. Referrals to our Licensed Training Centers are available at As well, a list of certified instructors can be found via our Instructor Finder.


Who should I contact if I have more questions?


For CEC program information: email or call 1-800-910-0001, ext. 246 (You must complete 0.6 CECs annually to maintain your STOTT PILATES certification.)

For marketing support: email
or call 1-800-910-0001, ext. 248

For more information about available courses and workshops: email or call 1-800-910-0001, ext. 261

For instructor trainer support: email
or call 1-800-910-0001, ext. 0