With member interest in Pilates accelerating, the challenges
that our facilities face to provide successful programming also increase. Recently, we conducted a survey
asking you for your input on how your Pilates programs work, how you find talented and qualified instructors and
what your equipment needs are. Thanks to everyone who answered the survey, we are able to provide a comprehensive
overview of the Pilates programming at the non-profits and develop a number of questions for our Pilates industry
experts on how Pilates can be more successful in our unique environments.
Programming and equipment space and certification challenges seem to be the most pressing as non-profits try
to do more for their members with limited budgets. Our experts share their best advice on bringing Pilates to
the masses in a way that holds true to its mind/body connection. They also show us the latest in Pilates equipment
technology with smaller footprints that are easier to move and store, and offer more options for a variety
of members. Balanced Body also shares some thoughts on keeping this equipment in top working order. Maintenance
is key, as with all equipment.
We hope you enjoy this detailed look at Pilates and how it can enhance your membership and programming!
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Industry experts respond to the challenges of starting and improving a Pilates program
According to the Sporting Goods Manufacturer’s
Association, in 2006 there were more than 10 million Pilates
participants in the United States with more than one million
of them considered frequent participants taking at least
100 classes a year. This exponential growth period is an
ideal time for reluctant non-profit facilities to jump in and
become a part of the fastest growing exercise method in
North America.
OnSite Fitness is here to help your facility start or improve
upon your
Pilates programming by offering
guidance and assistance from some
of the best minds in the industry.
Here, two of the leaders in the Pilates
field, Balanced Body and STOTT
PILATES, offer some solutions to the “Pilates challenges.”
We have also included responses from efi Sports Medicine,
who offer a kind of Pilates hybrid, and all share their most
up-to-date information, ideas and suggestions.
Q) ONSITE FITNESS: With often limited resources available
to Pilates, and mind/body programming in general, how do Board
of Directors and Facility Directors rationalize and justify the
expense of starting a program?
A) STOTT PILATES: We know that not all facilities are
created equal, but we also know that obstacles like limited
resources, space or budget shouldn’t prevent non-profit facilities
from participating in mind-body fitness programs. Bringing Pilates
into a facility can actually create more non-dues revenue, enrich
group class programming, inspire members, and maximize spaces
like a squash court during off hours.
A) EFI SPORTS MEDICINE: The best way to rationalize a
Pilates program is to provide a great and diverse program that
draws and retains members, encourages utilization and ensures
member success. With reformer based Pilates especially,
instructors are in high demand due to relatively limited supply. Our
incline resistance training equipment used for reformer based
Pilates, provides non-profits other opportunities for strength and
endurance training in private, semi-private and small groups as well
as training for special populations from kids to the active aging,
and from beginners to elite athletes—not only Pilates. Many
YMCAs who don’t normally charge extra for programming, have
begun successfully to charge for our equipment based GRAVITY®
program because of its high demand in the facilities and the
member acceptance of the programs, and this helps with selling
the ROI of the program to the Board of Directors.
Q) OSF: There are so many out there who teach “Pilates” yet
many are not certified to do so. How do facilities find quality and
qualified instructors?
A) BALANCED BODY: The issues with finding a qualified
instructor have evolved a bit in the last year as many companies
have started offering equipment and training packages designed
specifically for commercial fitness facilities, JCCs and YMCAs.
These packages can provide both the equipment and training for
internal staff that a facility would need to get started quickly with
a low cost per head. I guess the bottom line is that to find
instructors all these people have to do is call the Pilates
equipment manufacturers, as most have training and certification
programs available.
A) STOTT PILATES: The people that make up your
Pilates team are the key to the success of the program.
However, because of the growing popularity of Pilates, good
instructors are in demand and harder to find. You can resolve
this problem by doing a few things.
- 1. Offer career opportunities to your existing staff and educate
them. First, find a strong leader within who will champion the
program’s development. This Group Exercise Director or
Wellness Director can recruit people who would make a good
fit e.g., dynamic group exercise instructors, staff with
backgrounds in movement or dance, or friendly floor
leaders who have expressed interest in
transitioning into a new role. Then host
an education course on site to educate
several instructors at once. Make sure to
choose a well-respected education provider
that requires students to complete a written and
practical exam component, and offers top-of-theline
training support materials such as manuals
and videos.
- 2. Find new ways to reach certified instructors. Post positions on
your website or sites for Pilates-related organizations;
advertise in local or national fitness publications; promote the
upcoming launch of a Pilates program at your facility in your
local or regional newspaper, noting that you are looking for
instructors; and search education providers’ databases.
Q) OSF: Space is at a premium in non-profits because of so
many great programs that reach out to so many. With a full line of
programs already on the schedule, how do facilities find the right
space for such a program?
A) BALANCED BODY: Smaller equipment options have
basically changed the way facilities offered Pilates. Beforehand,
reformers took up too much space and couldn't be stored. But
because smaller footprints, such as the Balanced Body Allegro
were able to stack or stand on-end, that made it much easier. In
addition, Pilates chair programming has become huge as it offers a
challenging workout with a small footprint.
I think the overall statement is that
Pilates floor space shouldn't be
an issue any more because of
the easy storability and portability
of the equipment
involved. It's probably just a
matter of educating people to
that fact.
A) STOTT PILATES: Thanks to lightweight, stackable
reformers, you can use shared space such as a group exercise
studio for equipment or mat-based Pilates classes. However, the
best case scenario, for maximum revenue, is a dedicated space
allowing private and semi-private instructors to train part-time or
full time in your studio. The area can be as little as 400 square
feet. Ask yourself some questions and take another hard look at
your facility to help you assess its reality versus its potential:
- Is it possible to do an expansion on your building?
- Can you convert underused space like a storage room, office or
racquet court?
Once you determine what you’re working with, you can create a
plan. Even the most square-footage-tight facilities will most likely
be able to find 400 square feet somewhere and as a result,
generate enough revenue to help fuel future expansion plans that
would allow for a bigger studio.
A) EFI SPORTS MEDICINE: Using the GTS® for equipment
based Pilates provides a platform for every fitness professional at
the facility to utilize throughout the day. The group exercise
instructors can teach a group session, followed by a group Pilates
session and personal trainers can utilize the equipment for goal
oriented semi-private training sessions. When not in use, the
equipment folds up and can be rolled away to make space for
other group sessions. Many facilities find the program so
successful that designated space is often given to the equipment
or they operate with the equipment in a segmented area of the
main floor.
Q) OSF: Once you have found the space
for a Pilates program, how do you make
that space conducive to the mind/body
Pilates experience is
greatly enhanced
when class
participants are
able to focus
on their
movements and
body and not on the
noise next door or the
overhead lights.
Ideally, a
Pilatesenvironment should be its own
dedicated space and if this is
not possible, then perhaps
screens can be put up to
separate stored
equipment not in use
from the class
experience. Other
ideas are:
- Lower the lights, or
even turn off the
overhead lights and
place small low light
lamps around
the room.
- Keep the room temperature no cooler than 70
degrees and direct vents away from students so the air does
not blow directly on them.
- Look for music specially designed for mind/body classes by
musicians known as psychoacousticians. They have studied
music, it’s affects on brainwaves, and have designed music that
elicits an ideal brain wave state for such a class.
- Don’t forget props like balls, foam rollers and mats, and don’t
forget to keep them clean for the next member with towels
and organic cleaners.
Q) OSF: How much does scheduling and pricing affect a
Pilates program’s success?
A) BALANCED BODY: Both factors can be very
significant. A good rule of thumb is to schedule
your classes away or at a different time from
activities that may disturb the "mind-body"
element of your Pilates class. From a pricing
standpoint, the biggest thing you
need to know is your demographic -
both financially and
geographically. A JCC in Cedar Rapids is
not going to be able to charge the same for
a group reformer class as is one in downtown
Manhattan. You'd be surprised at how
many times that mistake is made. They should
call other similar facilities in the area and see
what they are charging.
Q) OSF: How do
non-profits successfully
get the word of their
Pilates program out
to the public, both
members and
marketing plan is a primary key
to a successful Pilates
program. An important
component of that plan is
education of your staff
and members as to what
Pilates is, how it benefits
members, when it is
offered, etc. Also,
communicate to your
members that you are
starting (or already have) a
program. Invite them to join a class or
bring a friend to class, whatever it takes to
get them in the door.
If you haven’t already, join the local Chamber
of Commerce, Rotary Club, and other civic
organizations within your community. The
sharing of a commitment to the community,
to local business and the sharing of ideas can
have a profound effect on your business.
customer is a referred customer, so the first
step is to launch the program successfully
within the existing membership base, offering
free trials, bring a friend sessions, and really
build hype around the eventual launch of a
new program. Then you can go out to the
community with press releases and
advertisements and people will begin a viral
discussion about the great Pilates program at
X facility. Some companies, such as efi,
provide marketing support such as posters,
press release templates and a wealth of
strategic support for the program launch and
long term success, including the on-site
training of the facilities instructors to ensure
that the program is operationally sound.
OSF final thought: Thanks to our leaders in
the fitness industry, Pilates has become a
movement (literally and figuratively) that
benefits just about everyone who is willing to
try it. Our challenge as fitness professionals
is to create an environment for our
member’s that will be conducive to the
expansion of successful Pilates programming
and in the end, benefit the community’s that
we serve. |